Summary: In this article, I provide a brief update on development of the Platform chapters of the "Architecting for the AWS Platform" video series for O'Reilly Media.

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During the past three weeks I've been working on the following platform related chapters of the O'Reilly training series:

  • Platform - Availability
  • Platform - Design Principles & Patterns
  • Platform - Cost Optimisation

Collectively, they account for close to twenty percent of the series and include topics such as:

  • Estimating application availability
  • Geographical distribution of resources
  • Highly available Internet connectivity
  • Self-healing systems
  • Decoupling
  • Cloud concepts
  • PaaS
  • Server-less architectures
  • Event driven architectures
  • Environment based scaling

Combined with my earlier work on security, the half way mark is within sight. With a number of lessons learns already, I should be able to pick up speed during the next six weeks and complete the project by 1 July; that is assuming that AWS do not modify any of their products and services in the mean time that results in rework - fingers crossed.

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