How do you currently use LLMs for learning? If you mainly rely on them for quick answers, you're only scratching the surface of their potential.
LLMs can be powerful tools for testing and deepening your understanding of any subject. Instead of just asking for answers, try engaging an LLM in a conversation where it tests you. You can even ask it to evaluate your responses and identify areas of weakness or misunderstanding. You might be surprised at how quickly it reveals gaps in your knowledge and highlights the depth of your actual comprehension.
Imagine using an LLM for conversational quizzing alongside spaced repetition. This combination can significantly improve long-term retention, preventing knowledge from fading over time. I've previously discussed the value of LLMs in creating personalised learning experiences, and this approach takes it a step further, making learning even more effective.
We're entering a new era of education, where everyone has access to a lifelong tutor and mentor. LLMs can provide personalised guidance tailored to individual learning styles and abilities, unlocking potential in ways we're only beginning to understand.