Using LLMs to Test and Strengthen Understanding

How do you currently use LLMs for learning? If you mainly rely on them for quick answers, you're only scratching the surface of their potential.

LLMs can be powerful tools for testing and deepening your understanding of any subject. Instead of just asking for answers, try engaging an LLM in …

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Hidden Potential By Adam Grant - Key Takeaways Relating to Education

Hidden Potential By Adam Grant

I recently read the exceptional book, Hidden Potential by Adam Grant. It's choc-full of insights backed up by world class research. I captured my key takeaways around education.

Finland excels in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) - Maths, Reading and Science - due to its unique culture:

  • Emphasis on potential …
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Summary Notes - Black Box Thinking

Black Box Thinking

Historically, healthcare when compared with aviation has a relatively poor record of learning from failure. There is a stigma associated with failure in part out of fear of the legal repercussions and a damage to the reputations of hospitals and individuals. Understanding the reasons for failure is often avoided and …

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