A Ulysses Contract For Digital Transformation

A Ulysses Contract For Digital Transformation

Those of you familiar with Greek mythology have probably heard of Odysseus (Ulysses), the hero of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey. Following the Trojan war, Ulysses and his crew needed to sail past the island of the Sirens, dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices …

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DevOps at Red Hat - Open Culture, Open Opportunities

Daniel Hand

In October of last year, I made the decision to return to Red Hat after leaving in 2010. While the opportunity to lead Red Hat’s emerging technology consulting practice in region was the primary reason for my return, Red Hat’s open culture also played a significant role in …

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Container Orchestration

In this article we take a look at some of the announcements from Docker con 2015 and reflect on what it means for container orchestration in the Enterprise.

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Case Study - A Continuous Delivery Pipeline for Enterprise Organisations

In this article I introduce a case study I wrote with John Painter of Sourced Group. The case study presents a blueprint for a Continuous Delivery Pipeline (CDP) for Enterprise organisations and will feature in the book, "DevOps, A Software Architect's Perspective", scheduled for release in the first half of next year.

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