Top Threat Actor Trends: Motivations and Attack Vectors

Threat Actor Trends

Threat actors, also known as bad actors, are individuals or groups who deliberately engage in malicious activities such as hacking, phishing and other cyber crimes with the intent to harm systems, networks or data. These actors are driven by various motivations, including financial gain, political ideology, grievances or vendettas.

In …

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AI-Powered Image and Video Processing: The Future of Communication

Luxo Jr.

Pixar - Luxo Jr.

As a child, I was captivated by the earliest animated shorts produced by Pixar. The combination of groundbreaking computer graphics and storytelling brought the characters to life. I can still vividly remember watching Luxo Jr bounce across the screen, chasing, playing and eventually puncturing a small blue …

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AI in Children's Education

Intelligent AI Agents Helping Children Learn

I am excited about the potential for good that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has in the education system. Every child is unique, with different interests, natural abilities and preferred ways of learning. AI can be used to personalise learning for each child, providing them with the content and instruction that they …

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Survivorship Bias

Survivorship Bias

Survivorship bias is a type of sampling bias where only data points that represent survivors of a process or event are used to train a model. This can lead to inaccurate or biased conclusions, as the model will only be able to predict the outcomes of events that are similar …

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Interview with Techgoondu

In my role as field CTO, I sometimes speak with analysts and the media. Conversations often focus around a predetermined area of interest of set of questions. The follow text is based on my preparation for an interview with Techgoondu, Sinagpore.

Q1. What’s the Asia-Pacific AI landscape like currently …

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Boosting Productivity and Efficiency with Generative AI

Each day we are presented with an almost limitless supply of potentially interesting and valuable media to consume. In a fraction of the second we make the decision to consume it, delay it for later or simply ignore it. But how often do we defer reading something and never get …

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Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The English word ethics is derived from the Greek word êthos meaning “character or moral nature”. The study of ethics or moral philosophy involves systematising, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour.

While some academics and philosophers may argue that ethics can be extended to the realm of …

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