Summary Notes - Good Strategy Bad Strategy

Good Strategy Bad Strategy

Most organisations do not understand what good strategy is or are unwilling to make difficult decisions to implement it. Good strategy is so rare that it’s often not anticipated by the competition. A good strategy can therefore often lead to better than anticipated results.

Good strategy is based on …

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An AI-based News Presenter Joins China's Xinhua Agency

This week China's Xinhua agency introduced a new member to its news team. What's unusual about this presenter is that it's not actually a real person - it's a combination of a computer generated image and AI. The AI news presenter's appearance and voice are based on an existing member of …

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Functional and Non-functional Design

Functional and Non-functional Design

Over the years, I’ve been part of the design/architecture process for countless technology engagements. Sometimes as the lead architect, sometimes as a reviewer and sometimes in the early discovery phase. Something that still surprises me is how frequently non-functional requirements are not given enough consideration. Ensuring that both …

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Open Digital Platforms

Open Digital Platforms

Digital Transformation is a term that’s become almost as ubiquitous as Cloud Computing and Big Data, but what does it actually mean?, how is it related to a digital platform and how does the openness of a platform influence its successfulness.

In his book, The Digital Transformation Playbook, David …

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